Sobota – Nedelja, 11 – 12.01.2020

V soboto zvečer ob 23.00 sva se jaz, Miha Gartnar, in David Likar – dijaka orodjarja iz ŠC Škofja Loka, odpravila iz Ljubljane z avtobusom proti Češki. Vožnja ni bila tako naporna saj sva imela lep razgled na avtobusu, še posebej, ko sva prispela v Prago ravno ob sončnem vzhodu. potem sva pa nadaljevala najino pot z avtobusom naprej proti Taboru, kjer bova stanovala naslednje tri mesece.

Saturday – Sunday, 11 – 12.01.2020

On Saturday evening at 11.00 pm, I, Miha Gartnar, and David Likar – both students -toolmakers from School center Škofja Loka, left Ljubljana by bus to Czech Republic. The drive to Prague wasn’t exhausting since we had a great view from the bus, especially when we arrived to Prague at sunrise. afterwards, we continued our journey to Tabor where we are going to be living for the next three months.

Glavna avtobusna postaja v Pragi. (Main bus station in Prague.)

Najin prihod v Tabor (slikano pred dijaškem domom). (Our arrival to Tabor. (picture taken in front of the student dormitory.))

Ponedeljek, 13.01.2020

V ponedeljek zjutraj sva jaz (Miha Gartnar) in David likar odšla v Soběslav z ravnateljem in z dijakom strojne šole v Taboru. V Soběslavu smo si ogledali orodjarno Motor Jikov, kjer se bova naslednje tri mesece izobraževala in dopolnjevala ure za praktični pouk. Orodjarna je zelo velika in zanimiva glede strojev in izdelkov, ki jih podjetje proizvaja. Po končani ekskurziji po podjetju smo jaz (Miha), David in dijak (Honza) odšli na vlak proti Taboru. V Taboru smo se pa še sprehodili do velikega jezera (Jordán).

 Monday, 13.01.2020

 On the Monday morning, me (Miha Gartnar) and David likar went to Soběslav with the principal and the student of the school of mechanical engineering in Tabor. In Soběslav we went to the company called Motor Jikov, where we are going to spend the next three months getting educated and supplementing the hours for practical lessons. The company is very big, the machines and the products are also very interesting. After the finished excursion of the company, me (Miha), David and the student (Honza) got on the train back to Tabor. In Tabor we went on a walk to the big lake called Jordán.

Fotografirana sva pred vhodom v podjetje Motor Jikov. (Picture taken in front of the enterance of the Motor Jikov company.)

Jezero Jordán. (Lake Jordán.)

Jezero Jordán. (Lake Jordán.)

Sva se še fotografirala pred jezerom. (We also took a picture of us in front of the lake.)

 Petek, 24.01.2020

 V petek zjutraj smo z Davidom in Honzo odšli na ekskurzijo v podjetje Brisk. V podjetju proizvajajo različne vžigalne svečke. Podjetje se nam je zdelo zelo zanimivo, zaradi postopka proizvajanja različnih svečk. Proti večeru sva se z Davidom še odpravila na ogled starega mesta Tabor.

Friday, 24.01.2020

On friday morning me, David and Honza went on an excursion to a company called Brisk. In the company they produce spark plugs. The company is very interesting because of the process of the production of different spark plugs. In the evening David and I also went to see the old town of Tabor.

Fotografirana pred podjetjem Brisk. (Picture taken in front of the company Brisk.)

Različne vžigalne svečke. (Different spark plugs.)

Star del mesta Tabor. (The old part of town Tabor.)

Star del mesta Tabor. (The old part of town Tabor.)

Sobota, 25.01.2020

V soboto zjutraj sva z Davidom šla na vlak proti Pragi. Mesto sva si površno ogledala, saj je zelo veliko in polno znamenitosti, ki si jih nameravava ogledati še v prihodnosti.

Saturday, 25.01.2020

On Saturday morning David and I took a train to Prague. We took a rough look at the city, because it is big and full of sights that we intend to go and see in the future.

Sva se fotografirala pred starim mestnim trgom. (We took a picture of us in front of the old town square.)

Pogled na narodni muzej. (a view of the National Museam.)

pogled na narodni muzej proti večeru. (a view of the National Museam towards the night.)

Petek – sobota, 7 – 8.02.2020

V petek zjutraj sva z Davidom v podjetju Motor Jikov menjavala obdelovance za tovornjake Scania na CNC rezkalnem stroju. Delo nama je bilo zabavno in zanimivo. V soboto sva si pa privoščila še ogled muzeja čokolade v Taboru. Muzej je bil velik in poln čokoladnih skulptur. Muzej ima tudi zelo dobro čokolado.

Friday – Saturday, 7 – 8.02.2020

On Friday morning, David and I were changing workpieces for Scania trucks in Motor Jikov on a CNC milling machine. The work we did was fun and interesting. On Saturday, David and I went to the chocolate museum. The museum was big and full of chocolate sculptures and it also has the best chocolate we have ever tried.

Sva se še fotografirala z dijakom, ki nama pomaga in prevaja in z vodjo oddelka, ki ima pod nadzorom CNC rezkalne stroje. (We also took a picture with the student who is translating for us and the head of the CNC milling machine section.)

Sva se fotografirala še pred čokoladno skulpturo Mr. Bean-a in njegovim avtom. (We also took a picture of us in front of the chocolate sculpture of Mr. Bean and his car.)

Čokoladna skulptura dela starega mesta Tabor. (Chocolate sculpture of the old part of town Tabor.)

Petek – nedelja, 14 – 16.02.2020

V petek zjutraj smo z davidom, profesorjem in dijakom strojne šole v Taboru odšli na ekskurzijo u podjetje ZVVZ Milevsko. V podjetju se večinoma ukvarjajo z ventilacijo in proizvajanjem zabojnikov za tovornjake. podjetje je zelo veliko zato tudi stroji niso tako majhni. Po ekskurziji sva se pa z davidom čez vikend družila z svojo družino in prijatelji, ki so prišli na obisk.

Friday – Sunday, 14 – 16.02.2020

On Friday morning, me, David, professor and a student of the engineering school in Tabor, went on an excursion to the company ZVVZ Milevsko. The company is mainly involved in the ventilation and production of containers for truck trailers. The company is very big so the machines are not that small either. After the excursion David and I spent the weekend hanging out with our family and friends who came to visit us for the weekend.

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