Na Česko sva se odpravila 4. septembra 2022. Ob 2.30 naju je na avtobusni postaji v Ljubljani pobral flix bus. Pot je bila dolga. Po dveh postankih smo prispeli v Salzburg, kjer sva presedla in nadaljevala pot v Tabor na Češkem. Tam naju je čakala koordinatorka, ki je poskrbela za nastanitev in nama razkazala mesto.

We started our trip to Cezch Republic on 4 september at 02:30 in the morning from Ljublana. When we arived to Salzburg we switched busses to contuinue our jurney to Tabor. When we arived at tabor, Dana showed us the dorm and cirty

Drugi teden (12. 9.–18. 9.)

V začetku tedna sva bila predstavljena v podjetju Motor Jikov. Peljali so naju na ogled podjetja ter naju pripravili na delo. Med vikendom sva odšla na prvo potovanje v Prago.

Second week we were presented to the company Motor Jikov. they showed us the company and got us redy for work. For the weekend we took our first trip to Prague.

Tretji teden

Tretji teden prakse sva obiskala prireditev Taborski dnevi, ki je potekala od petka do nedelje: predstavljali so narodne noše vitezov in druge kostume. Ta dogodek se v Taboru zgodi enkrat na leto, zato se ga splača ogledati.

On the third week of our staying we visited the nattional event of Tabor days that were happeing from friday to monday. On the event it was showen alot of diffrent costumes of the old Cezch nationality it was very interesting and I would recomend everyone to go see it if they are staying in Tabor on those special days of the year.

Četrti teden (26. 9.–2. 10.)

Četrti teden sva delo opravljala v proizvodnji. Bila sva tudi na drugih delovnih mestih, ki sva si jih med tednom izmenjala. Alex je večino dela opravljal na rezkalnem stroju, jaz pa na stružnici.

Fourth week we were woeking in the production part of the company on different work places which we exchanged over the week. Alex was mostly on the milling machine and i was on lathe.

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