V petek 10.2.2023 se nas je pet dijakov 4. letnika programa avtoservisni tehnik in strojni tehnik (Gašper Frelih Lan Šuler, Janez Jemec, Luka Rant in Martin Koderman) odparvili na izmenjavo v Nemčijo. Ob 6:30 smo se odpravili iz Kranja proti naši destinaciji Kloster Volkenroda v Mühlhausnu, kjer smo nastanjeni. Za pot smo potrebovali okoli 10 ur skupraj z nekaj počitki. Naseldnji dan smo si ogledali okolico klostra Volkenroda, se z avtom odpeljali do podjetji kjer bomo opravljali praktično usposabljanje in si pogledali mesto Mühlhausen. V nedeljo smo se odpravili na izlet v mesto Eisenach, ki je od Mühlhausna odaljeno približo 30km. V mestu smo si ogledali muzej avtomobilov Wartburg in grad Wartburg.

On Friday, February 10 2023, five students of the 4th year of the mechanic technician and mechanical technician program: Gašper Frelih (Lan Šuler, Janez Jemec, Luka Rant and Martin Koderman) went on an exchange to Germany. At 6:30 we left Kranj for our destination Kloster Volkenroda in Mühlhausen, where we are staying. The trip took us about 10 hours, including a few breaks. The next day we visited the surroundings of the Volkenroda monastery, drove to the companies where we will do practical training and saw the town of Mühlhausen. On Sunday, we went on a trip to the town of Eisenach, which is about 30 km from Mühlhausen. In the city, we visited the Wartburg Car Museum and the Wartburg Castle.

V ponedeljek smo začeli z praktičnim izobraževanjem v avtohišah Schade Mercedes-Benz in Albertsmeyer Volkswagen. V avtohiši Schade sva Luka in Martin delala na servisu gospodarskih vozil in osebnih vozil Mercedes-Benz. V avtohiši Albertsmeyer pa so  Gašper, Lan in Janez delali na servisu Volkswagen.

On Monday, we started with practical training at the Schade Mercedes-Benz and Albertsmeyer Volkswagen dealerships. In the Schade car dealership, Luka and Martin worked in the service of Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles and passenger cars. In the Albertsmeyer car dealership, Gašper, Lan and Janez worked at the Volkswagen service.

Med vikendom smo si ogledali mesto Suhl, kjer smo videli muzej vozil in muzej orožja. Po ogledu mesta smo se odpravili še v smučarsko središče Oberhof, kjer je v času našega obiska potekal svetovni pokal v biatlonu. Zvečer pa smo zavili na bližnjo gokart stezo in odpeljali nekaj krogov. V Nedeljo smo se odpeljali v mesta Leipzig in si tam ogledali središče mesta.

During the weekend, we visited the city of Suhl, where we saw a vehicle museum and a weapons museum. After visiting the city, we went to the Oberhof ski center, where the Biathlon World Cup was held at the time of our visit. In the evening, we went to the nearby go-kart track and drove a few laps. On Sunday, we drove to the city of Leipzig and saw the city center there.


V ponedeljek 20.2. smo vstopili v drugi teden dela v avtoservisnih delavnicah. Z sodelovci smo se že dobro spoznali in navezali stike. Dela smo se lotili bolj sproščeno, kot prvi teden, prav tako pa so nam vodje bolj zaupali in nam prepustili samostojna dela. Tako nam je teden v sproščenem okolju hitro minil, naučili smo se nekaj novih del in s sodelavci postali pravi kolegi.   

On Monday 20.2. we have entered the second week of work in car repair shops. We have already gotten to know our colleagues well and established contacts. We started work more relaxed than the first week, and the managers also trusted us more and left us to do independent work. Thus, the week passed quickly in a relaxed environment, we learned some new things and became real friends with our colleagues.

 Za tretji vikend smo si privoščili še zadnje večje mesto v naši okolici. Tako smo v soboto zjutraj odšli  na izlet v mesto Hannover, kjer smo si ogledali Živalski vrt, si v mestu privoščili pico in se z podzemno železnico odpravili v center mesta. V nedeljo smo si privoščili bolj sproščen dan, zjutraj smo se dobro naspali, nato pa odšli na sprehod po okolici. Popodne smo se odpeljali ogledati dve ure oddaljeno akumulacijsko jezero Hohenwarte – stausee.

For the third weekend, we treated ourselves to the last major city in our area. So on Saturday morning we went on a trip to the city of Hannover, where we visited the Zoo, had a pizza in the city and took the subway to the city center. On Sunday, we had a more relaxed day, slept well in the morning, and then went for a walk around the area. In the morning, we drove to see the Hohenwarte reservoir – stausee, which is two hours away.


Tretji teden dela v delavnicah, ni potekal dosti drugače kot prejšnja dva tedna. Delali smo kot ponavadi, naučil nekaj del in spoznali še zadnje sodelavce.  Zato vam bomo rajši predstavili nemški delavnik.

Delavci si delijo delavnik na dve izmene. Prvi delajo cel teden od osme do šestnajste ure, ter v soboto od osmih do poldneva. Nato naslednji teden od osem do šestnajste ure brez sobote. Zato so tretji teden v ponedejek prosti. Tako si z drugo polovico delacev menjavajo urnik vsak teden. Od delavnika pa so bolj zanimivi obroki. Vsi delavi imajo na dan dva obroka. Prvi je zajtrk ob devetih ki traja dvajset minut, malica pa je ob pol enih in traja štirideset minut. Tako večina delavcev preživi cel dan na delu. 


The third week of work in the workshops was not much different from the previous two weeks. We worked as usual, learned a few things and met the last colleagues. That’s why we’d rather introduce you to the German workday.


The workers divide the working day into two shifts. The first ones work all week from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and on Saturdays from 8:00 AM to noon. Then next week from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays. That is why they are free on Monday of the third week. Thus, they exchange schedules with the other half of the workers every week. The meals are more interesting than the weekdays. All workers have two meals a day. The first is breakfast at nine which lasts twenty minutes, and the snack is at half past one and lasts forty minutes. Thus, most workers spend the whole day at work.


Zadnji vikend smo se odpravili na dvodnevni izlet. Glavni temi sta bili ogled dirkališča Nurburgring in obisk Lukatovega brata Miha v Mettlachu. Tako smo se v soboto zjutraj odpravili v slabih štiristo kilometrov oddaljen Nurburgring. Pot nam je z nekaj postanki vzela dobre štiri ure časa. Tam smo si ogledali cel kompleks Nurburgring, dih jemajoče avtomobile, obisakali trgovine z spominiki in si ogledali tematski muzej, žal sta bili stezi Nurburgring in Nordschleife zaprti. V muzeju so predstavljeni športni avtomobili, steza,  formule in dirkalni tovornjaki. Zanimive so bile lutke vseh znanih voznikov F1, za povrh pa so imeli še simulator formule in dirkalnega tovornjaka. Tako je čas do zaprtja avtomobilskega raja čisto prehitro minil. Iz muzeja smo se v zadnjih trenutkih dneva odpravili na kratki sprehod po stezi Nordschleife. Za povrh pa smo ob stezi srečali ikoničnega nissana S13 200SX. Polni vtisov smo se zapeljali v uro in pol oddaljeni Mettlach kjer živi Miha. Večerjali smo tipične nemške jedi v mestni pivnici in se sprehodili po večernem mestu. Spali smo pri Lukatovem bratu Mihu Rantu, prvem dijaku šolskega centra Škofja Loka, ki se je udeležil Erasmus izmenjave v Nemčiji. V nedeljo nas je  Miha odpeljal na izlet v Francijo in Luksemburg. V Luksemburgu smo si ogledali znamenito mestece Schengen, kjer smo srečali karavano Abarthov. Odšli smo nazaj v Mettlach kjer smo spakirali, se poslovili od Mihe in odšli nazaj v dobrih 5 ur oddaljen Muhlhausen. V poznih večernih urah smo prispeli v naše začasno domovanje.

Last weekend we went on a two-day trip. The main topics were a tour of the Nurburgring racetrack and a visit to Luka’s brother Miha in Mettlach. So on Saturday morning we went to the Nurburgring, less than four hundred kilometers away. The journey took us a good four hours with several stops. There we saw the entire Nurburgring complex, breathtaking cars, visited souvenir shops and visited a theme museum, unfortunately the Nurburgring and Nordschleife tracks were closed. The museum features sports cars, track, formula and racing trucks. Dummies of all the famous F1 drivers were interesting, and to top it off they had a formula simulator and a racing truck. Thus, the time until the closure of the automotive paradise passed far too quickly. In the last moments of the day, we left the museum for a short walk along the Nordschleife track. To top it off, we met the iconic Nissan S13 200SX at the track. Full of impressions, we drove to Mettlach, an hour and a half away, where Miha lives. We dined on typical German dishes in a town pub and walked around the town in the evening. We slept with Lukat’s brother Miha Rant, the first student of the Škofja Loka school center who took part in the Erasmus exchange in Germany. On Sunday, Miha took us on a trip to France and Luxembourg. In Luxembourg, we visited the famous town of Schengen, where we met a caravan of Abarths. We went back to Mettlach where we packed, said goodbye to Miha and went back to Muhlhausen, which is about 5 hours away. We arrived at our temporary home late in the evening.

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