Ponedeljek-torek, 20.-28. 9. 2021

Ta teden sva z Davidom večinoma delala v konstrukciji, kjer sva modelirala pripravo za vrtanje. Šef merilnice naju je naučil, kako se meri določene stvari na različnih strojih (npr. hrapavost, trdota).

Konec tedna sva si šla ogledat še České Budějovice. Tam sva se udeležila tudi festivala piva, na katerem so igrali »Queen Praha«. V torek sva si ogledala razstavo avtov in motorjev »oldtimerjev«, ki se je odvijala pred dijaškim domom. Po razstavi pa sva si šla v kino ogledat še film Free guy.

Monday-Tuesday, 20.-28. 9. 2021

This week, David and I mostly worked in construction, where we modeled a drilling rig. The head of the meter also taught us how to measure certain things on different machines (e.g. roughness, hardness). At the end of the week, David and I went to see České Budějovice. There we also attended the Beer Festival where they played “Queen Praha”. On Tuesday we visited the exhibition of “oldtimer” cars and motorcycles Which took place in front of the dorm. After the exhibition, we went to the cinema to see the film “Free guy”.

Sreda-nedelja, 29.-3. 10. 2021

Najin tretji teden v podjetju Motor Jikov je bil zaradi podaljšanega vikenda krajši. Delala sva v sestavnem oddelku. Sestavljala sva vzmetenje za Easygo vozičke za golf. Konec tedna pa sva si na lep sončen dan šla ogledat še mesto Bechyne.

Wednesday-Sunday, 29. – 3. 10. 2021

David and I didn’t do anything special at the company this week because it was a short week due to the extended weekend. During the week, we worked in the assembly department of the company. There we assembled the suspension for the Easygo golf carts. At the end of the week we went to see the town of Bechyne on a beautiful sunny day.

Ponedeljek–nedelja, 13.–19. 9. 2021

V ponedeljek, 13. septembra 2021, smo se jaz (Miha), David in prof. Marko Ahčin ob devetih zjutraj napotili proti Češki. V Tabor smo prispeli okoli pete ure popoldne. Srečali smo se s prof. Gabrielo in dijakoma, ki nama bosta naslednji mesec pomagala v podjetju pri prevajanju in pri orientiranju glede določenih stvari. Prvi dan smo si skupaj s prof. Ahčinom in dijakom ogledali podjetje. Čez teden sva z Davidom delala v brusilnici; vodja brusilnice naju je naučil, kako nabrusiti različne svedre. V petek pa sva se v podjetju učila modelirati in delati risbe na programu NX Siemens. Med tednom sva si po dolgem letu in pol spet šla ogledat celoten Tabor.

Monday-Sunday, 13 – 19. 09. 2021

On Monday, September 13, 2021, I (Miha), David and prof. Ahčin began our journey to the Czech Republic at nine in the morning. We arrived in Tabor around five o’clock in the afternoon, where we met with prof. Gabriela and the students, who will help us in the company next month in translating and managining certain things. On the first day we had a tour around the company together with prof. Ahčin and the student. During the week, David and I worked in a grinding workshop, where the boss of the grinding workshop taught us how to sharpen different drills. On Friday, they trained us how to model and draw in the NX Siemens program. During the week, after a long year and a half, we went to see the whole of Tabor again.

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