Drugi teden na tečaju – 14. do 19. februar 2022

Drugi teden smo v okvirju Erasmus+ programa obiskali obrat Kovosvit MAS, kjer so nas toplo sprejeli ter nam razkazali proizvodne linije raznih CNC-strojev. V petek smo program zaključili s predstavitvijo programa prvošolcem, podelitvijo daril ter priznanj. Ogledali smo si tudi Češke Budejovice in se na poti nazaj s profesorjem ustavili v Češkem Krumlovu. 

We visited the Kovosvit MAS plant in the second week of the Erasmus programme, where we were warmly welcomed and shown the production lines of various CNC machines. On Friday, we concluded the program with a presentation to the first-year students, receiving gifts and a certificate of recognition. We also stopped in České Budejovice and Český Krumlov on the way back with the professor. 

Izlet v zapuščeno vojaško bazo

Ker smo imeli prost vikend, smo se odločili, da obiščemo opuščeno vojaško bazo na jugozahodu Prage. Zgodaj zjutraj smo se odpravili peš do železniške postaje in pot nadaljevali z vlakom do Prage. Od tam smo se z vlakom odpeljali do Řevnic in nato naprej z avtobusom do vasi Podbrdy.  Po približno pol ure hoda smo prispeli do vojaške baze. Baza je sicer zaraščena in v slabšem stanju, vendar precej zanimiva. Notri smo cel dan raziskovali različne bunkerje, radarske postaje, hangarje in podobno. Baza je bila namenjena raziskavam manjših raket in raketnih sistemov, zato smo videli tudi nekaj raketnih izstrelišč. Nismo pa bili edini, ki nas je kraj privlačil, saj je bil ta dan tam precej turistov. Domov smo se utrujeni odpravili z vlakom, s postankom v Pragi, da smo nekaj pojedli. 

Naslednji dan, v nedeljo, pa smo se zaradi naporne sobote odločili, da bomo počivali v dijaškem domu, smo se pa odpravili na bližnji hrib …, s katerega se je videlo celo mesto Tabor. Smo pa ta dan postali že skoraj strokovnjaki v igranju bilijarda. 

We chose to visit an abandoned military base in the south-west of Prague because we had a free weekend. We walked to the train station early in the morning and continued our journey to Prague by train. From there, we took the train to Řevnice and then took the bus to Podbrdy. To get to the military base, we had to walk for about half an hour. The base is overgrown and in bad shape, but it was still interesting. We spent the entire day inside exploring the numerous bunkers, radar stations, hangars, and other facilities. The base was used for research on small rockets and missile systems, so we also saw some rocket launchers. However, it appears that we were not the only ones drawn to the location, as there were some tourists that day. We returned home by train, exhausted, with a quick stop in Prague to eat. 

Next day, we decided to rest in the dormitory, though we did go up a nearby hill… from which we could see the entire town of Tabor. And on that day, we almost became experts at playing pool. 

Prvi teden v Taboru – 7. do 13. februar 2022

V ponedeljek, 7. februarja 2022, smo pričeli s programom. Ravnatelj in profesorji, ki nas bodo učili, so se najprej predstavili in povedali nekaj besed. Po predstavitvi smo takoj pričeli z učenjem.
V sredo nam je profesor Tomaš razkazal mesto Tabor ter nam pokazal, kje so trgovine, muzeji …
Že v prvem tednu smo se naučili veliko novega na področjih CNC-programiranja s programom Heidenhain ter metrologije.

We begun with the program on Monday, February 7, 2022. The headmaster and the teachers who will be teaching us introduced themselves and said a few words first. We began learning right after the presentation.
On Wednesday, Professor Tomáš took us on a tour of Tabor, showing us where to shop, where are the museums,…
During the first week, we learned a lot about CNC programming with Heidenhain and metrology.

Prihod v Prago

V petek, 4. februarja 2022, smo se iz Lesc ob 8:13 z vlakom odpravili na Češko. V Prago smo prispeli okoli sedmih zvečer. Po nastanitvi v hotelu smo se takoj odpravili ogledati center Prage.

Naslednji dan smo si ogledali Narodni muzej ter Vyšehradsko Cerkev.

V nedeljo smo šli na ogled Praškega gradu in stolnico svetega Vida. Ob 17:04, smo se z vlakom odpravili proti naši ciljni destinaciji, Tabor, kjer nas je prijazno sprejelo osebje dijaškega doma.

On Friday, 4th February 2022, we took a train heading for the Czech Republic. We arrived in Prague around 7 pm. After checking into the hotel, we immediately set off to explore the centre of Prague.

The next day we visited the National Museum and the Vyšehrad Church.

On Sunday, we went on a tour of Prague Castle and St. Vid Cathedral. At 17:04, we took the train to our final destination, Tabor, where we were warmly welcomed by the staff of the dormitory.

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